I love my work and everything it involves, and I also like to include reflections on what I am doing when I tell stories (and what I see others do when they are storytelling) as part of my continuous training. For that reason I have been thinking, reflecting and writing about storytelling for many years.
I am also a big fan of associations (I took part in the birth of AEDA and the creation of FEST) and virtual networks; in fact I have been working for ten years to promote common spaces for discussing our work.
On my Spanish website there are a whole load of articles about storytelling and reading promotion. Some can also be found on my blog (in Spanish, for example on this tag or on this one).
But perhaps the one which stands out the most is the block of "Oral tradition notes" which is on my website and which contains a complete study on the history of professionalization of the oral tradition in Spain (1850 - 2011) which is summarized here; on this blog there is also a part dedicated to thoughts on the figure of the storyteller (definition, typology, characteristics, social role, etc.) and a full dossier of files containing complementary information.
Here my intention is to add translations of some of the articles I have written and that I think you may find interesting. I hope that is the case.
Fri Feb 14 @19:00 - 08:00PM Cuentos para público adulto en Toledo |
Mon Feb 17 @11:00 - 03:00PM Cuentos para alumnado de Primaria en Lobón (Badajoz) |
Tue Feb 18 @11:00 - 03:00PM Cuentos para alumnado de Primaria en Puebla de Obando (Badajoz) |
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