Spanish / French


A year has passed since I launched the international flyer through which I proposed to share content I normally post on my web, and in which I reflect on the work of telling stories. It has been a year of many tales told, of many kilometres travelled, and of many wonderful moments spent in and around the spoken word. 

It is now time to send out a new flyer.

On this occasion the flyer includes two texts on the figure of the oral narrator:

1 Definition and characteristics of the oral narrator. In this article I try to formulate a definition of the oral narrator, and also list six characteristics which, from my point of view, are significant when telling stories.

2 Classification of the types of oral narrator. In this text I try to establish a classification of the types of storytellers based on two criteria, which I then set out in detail.

And an article about the importance of telling stories in these fast-paced technological times.

3 Days of living and not living

If you wish to consult any other content on my web you can see it here.

I hope you find the articles I am sending of interest. 

Looking forward to meeting you soon on one of the many paths through this oral landscape.


Pep Bruno